Sri Lanka Water Partnership (Lanka Jalani) established in 2000, is an independent non profit association with a goal of promoting Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in line with the concepts and principles outlined at international fora such as Rio, Dublin & 1st & 2nd World Water Forums. It is an initiative supported by the Global Water Partnership (GWP). Membership is open and inclusive but restricted to institutions and currently represents a wide range of stakeholder interests. It has taken the initiative in developing a Water Vision 2025 for Sri Lanka in the year 2000 and a program for Action (PFA) to translate the vision to action has been developed. It has set up Area Water Partnerships (AWP) Youth networks and other basin level institutions to support River Basin Management (RBM) and IWRM in Sri Lanka. Area Water Partnerships provide the local institutional base for representation & action at local level while the Country Water Partnership (CWP) and associated CEO panel provides the forum for policy level dialogue of these issues for consideration at national level. Both levels encourage close interaction among groups of stakeholders for purposes of harmonising approaches and integrating issues.
Our Partner Base of 48 Institutions mainly represented by the state sector, statutory bodies, universities and research institutions also includes a few corporates enabling us to integrate and act on water resources related issues seamlessly. With all logistical and financial services provided by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) the host institution SLWP fully concentrates on programme issues.
Our Mission
”Promote Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and operationalised the concept of IWRM at all levels”
Our Vision
”A society that values the sustainable use of water to achieve the goal of an environment conducive to balanced social and economic development“
Our Position on Water Resources (English)
Our Position on Water Resources (Sinhala)
Accreditation of Global Water Partnership (GWP) Sri Lanka as a “Country Water Partnership”

- Steering Committee of 15 members representing state agencies, research and management institutions and universities, meet 3-4 times per year.
- Programme Committee of 6 members meet monthly.
Host Institution
- International Water Management Institute (IWMI) serves as the host Institution providing all logistical and financial services.
- Audit services are provided by IWMI’s international auditors.