Technical / Field Staff Training Programme on CCA at Irrigation Training Institute Galgamuwa –G ITI Galgamuwa was held on 28th November. 72 Trainees and 4 Resource Persons in all 86 participants attended this programme. This is the second programme at GITI ( first held in July).
Date : 28th November 2014
WACREP School Programme at Pilawala Maha Vidyalaya,Kundasale Education Zone. Total of 278 school children and 10 teachers participated in the programme. Programme arranged in collaboration with NWSDB and Provincial Health and Education Department Central Province.
Date : 4th November 2014
Five CCA school programme (3 in CP and 2 in NWP)were held during the month of October in Colloboation with the Provincial education, Health and NWSDB regional offices.
1) Udispaththuwa Maha Vidyalaya. 10th October. Total of 255 students and 3 resource persons participated the programme.
2) Halambawatawana Maha Vidyalaya.17th October. Total of 250 students and 3 resource persons participated the programme.
3) Ududumbara Maha Vidyalaya.20th October. Total of 192 students and 3 resource persons participated the programme.
4) Hettipola Maha Vidyalaya. 30th October. Total of 269 students and 3 resource persons participated the programme.
5) Rasnayakepura Maha Vidyalaya. 31st October. Total of 181 students and 3 resource persons participated the programme.
Two Major/ Medium irrigation scheme PMC staff awareness programmes were held in Hambantota and Weeraketiya back to back for The Southern rovince P arranged by IMD. Total of 54 participated on 27th and 48 participated on 28th.Participants included those from ID, IMD, CEA, CCB, DAD, LCD . Resource persons included staff from the Agric Dept Field Research Station Angunukolapelless.
Date : 27th & 28th October 2014
Officer training programme was held on Ginganga Deterioration and RSM Awareness for district and field officers in Kanneliya Forest Department Training Center arraaaanged by the Director of Irrigation Galle in collaboration with Director CEA SP. Total of 54 participants and 3 resource persons including from University of Rhuhuna participated the programme.
Date : 24th October 2014
Field visit by Technical Advisor SLWP Mr. M.M.M. Aheeyar and consultant Mr Abeygunawardena for monitoring Farmer Resilience Survey progress on 19th and 20th September. Visit was to examine and o monitor progress on field survey component by University of Peradeniya in NWP and University of Rajarata in NCP.
Date : 19th & 20th September 2014
WACREP TOT programme was held in Gannoruwa In-service Training Institute of the Dept of Agriculture. Participants were from ID,IMD, NWSAB, DAD and DA. All 54 participants participated the TOT which was residential on all three days. All participants were of executive level and 35 engineers including 15 from Id participated. Total of 8 resource persons from ID, Dept Of Metrology, University of Peradeniya and Agriculture Dept provided resource input. Director IMD attended as an Obsever and DG Agric Dept was Chief Guest.
Date : 2nd to 4th October 2014
Field visit by Technical Advisor SLWP Mr. M.M.M. Aheeyar and consultant Mr Abeygunawardena for monitoring Farmer Resilience Survey progress on 19th and 20th September. Visit was to examine and o monitor progress on field survey component by University of Peradeniya in NWP and University of Rajarata in NCP.
Date : 19th & 20th September 2014
Drinking Water CBO Programme, Matale at Hotel Clover Grange in collaboration with the NWSDB, Provincial Health Dept and Community Water Trust Central Province. Total of 116 participated including 5 resource persons. The Forest Department also participated and the Addl. Divisional forest Officer conducted a session on Catchment management.
Date : 18th September 2014
WACREP PMC Meeting was held in Kurunegala in Wayamba Training Centre, wariyapola. Total of 70 participated on 11th and 63 participated on 12th. Programme was organized in collaboration with IMD of the Ministry of Irrigation for agency staff of major irrigation schemes in Kurunegala.
Date : 11th and 12th September 2014
A Farmer Demonstration programme on New Technology, RWH and Best Practices and was held at the Agriculture Department Field Research Station in Angunakola Pelessa. This was organized with assistance of the University Of Rhuhuna, Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Management Division of the Ministry of Irrigation. This was the second such programme in SP and was for selected Farmers from major Systems in Hambantota. 46 Selected farmers participated in this programme including 4 Resident Project Managers from 4 major systems and other officials,. Total participants were 60.
Date :
A Technical Officer Training Programme was held at the Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research Training Institute (HARTI) on 22nd August for Chief Irrigation Engineers,Irrigation Engineers and Development officers from District Irrigation Offices in Kalutara, Colombo, Gampaha and Ratnapura.
Date : 22nd August 2014
Two Farmer programmes co organized with the Irrigation Management Division of the Ministry of Irrigation were held back to back in Usgala- Siyabalangamuwa and Palukadawala in Galgamuwa, Kurunegala District on 11th and 12th August. Total of 67 participated at the Usgala programme including 2 resource persons and 57 farmers and other officials. 78 participated in Palukadawala including 2 resource persons and 69 farmers and other officials. Resource Persons were from the University of Rajarata and Provincial Agriculture Department.
Date : 11th & 12th August 2014
A Drinking Water CBO programme for CBO Office Bearers in Cenrtral Province was held in Ramboda on 4th August in collaboration with the NWSDB abd Provincial Health Department. In Ramboda. 97 Members of CBO participated in the programme.
Date : 4th August 2014
A drinking water CBO related CCA programme was held in Minipe for CBO office Bearers in Wilgamuwa, Minipe, and Ududumbara A total of 103 participants from CBO of a total of 109 attended this programme. Resource persons were from the NWSDB and Regional Director Health Services. Chair SLWP attended this programme. The issue of CKDU was discussed as this area too seems to have been affected with several persons being identified as suffering from CDKU.
Date: 16th July 2014
Two Farmer Programmes were organized back to back on 30th and 31st July at Nuwara Wewa and Tissawewa Anuradhapura as follow up activities to the FO Leader Progarmmes undertaken earlier Attenece was 92 farmer leaders on 30th and 87 on 31st at Nuwara Wewa and Tissawewa respectively. Deputy Director Agriculture Anuradhapura, Regional Director Irrigation Anuradhapura and a Snr Lecturer of the Rajarata University.
Date: 30th & 31st July 2014
A FO Leader Programme was held in Puttalam for major and Medium Schemes in the District on 21st July. FO leaders from the major Schemes Tabbowa, Inginimitiya, Radavi Bendi Ela and Neela Bemma and 35 FO leaders from 7 Medium Schemes in total 94 attended this programme held at the District Secretariat. Resource persons were a Senior Lecturer from the University of Rajarata. Regional Director Irrigation Puttalam , A Consultant Irrigation Agronomist and asUject Matter Specialist from Department of Agriculture. Director IMD and Addl District Secretary Puttalam attended this programme.
Date: 21st July 2014
A similar programme to the above was organized at Matale St Thomas College, the premier school in Matale on 11th July. Here too the Senior Chemist NWSDB and Snr Epidemiologist Provincial Health Dept. and Head KITI Kothmale were the main resource persons. @65 participants included 10 teachers and 247 Senior students.
Date: 11th July 2014
Two CCA School Programme were held back to back in Giranduru Kotte Maha Vidayalaya Mahiyanganaya and Hadawatta Maha Vidyalaya. 179 students and teachers participated in the former and 230 in the latter. Resource Persons included the Project Director NWSDB abd Deputy Director Heaklth Services Uva, Snr Advisor SLWP Coordinated and asp participated in the programme.
Date: 30th June & 01st July 2014.
Technical / Feild staff training Programme was held back to back with the FO leader Programme of at the Cultural Centre Mahiyanagane. 64 Project staff from the above projects from Departments of Irrigation, Agriculture, Agraian Development and Irrigation Management Division participated. Director IMD and Country Coordinator SLWP attended this meeting. Resource persons were Director Irrigation Central Region, Asst Director Agriculture, A Consultant Irrigation Agronomist and Addl Director NRMC Department of Agriculture.
Date: 30th June & 01st July 2014.
A District field and technical officer awareness programme on CCA for Major/Minor/Medium schemes in Trincomalee was held in Kantale. 42 District Officers from the Irrigation, Agriculture, Agrarian Development Departments and IMD participated participated in this programme organized by the Irrigation Departnent and SLWP . A with a total of 51 participating including resource persons from the Irrigation Department, University of Rajarata, Department of Agriculture , Consultant Irrigation Agronomist from Colombo and SLWP Country Coordinator.
Date: 20th June 2014.
Another Farmer Leader Training Programme for Minipe Major schemes was held at the conference hall of the Divisional Secretariat Hasalaka Mahiyangana organized by IMD of the Ministry of Irrigation and SLWP. A total of 86 farmer leaders and project officers from Minipe project participated. Total of 106 were present including four resource persons including Director Irrigation Central Region, Asst Director Agriculture Kandy, Addl Director NRMC from Department of Agriculture , Consultant Irrigation Agronomist , Deputy Director IMD and Country Coordinator SLWP.
Date: 30th June 2014.
Two CCA Farmer Leader Training Programmes were held in Galgamuwa and , Nikaweratiya. 90 farmers participated in the Galgamuwa programme with a total of 102 including resource persons. 113 farmers participated in the Nikaweratiya programme with a total of 122 including resource persons and other participants. Sri Lanka Water Partnership and IMD of the Ministry of IWRM collaboratively organized the programme Country Coordinator SLWP and Director IMD participated in these events.
Date: 05th & 6th June 2014.
A pilot field test of the Resilience Survey questionnaire was done in Hakwatunaoya major irrigation scheme in Kurunegala in NWP. Four random farmers were interviewed as part of the pilot test. Mr. U. Abeygunawardana from SLWP and Mr. M.M.M. Aheeyar of HARTI carried out the pilot test under the survey. TOR has been prepared for implementation and issue of consultancy contracts. Contracts in August for survey start in September.
Date: 01st June 2014.
The CBO awareness program was held as one day workshop at Haliela Pradeshiya District Secretariat, Haliela and Ella Pradeshiya Secretariat on the 30th May. The workshops were organized collaboratively by Sri Lanka Water Partnership, National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) and the National Community Water Trust. The participants were office bearers of CBOs, 88 participants from Ella and 100 from Haliela were present All the resource persons except one have had prior experience in participating in the former Badulla CBO Programs.
Date: 29th May 2014.
Questionnaire for Survey by HARTI already finalized with comments received for the institutions doing the survey. Field testing will be done on 1st June in the Hakwatuna oya major scheme in NWP. University of Rajarata will do the survey in NCP and the Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture in the NWP ( Kurunegala District of NWP. The Open University will do it in Puttalam including Tamil respondents. Tamil Translation of questionnaire already done by HARTI.
Three CCA Farmer Training Programmes were held in Rajangana, Mahavilachchiya and Polonnaruwa on 19th, 29th and 30th May respectively. 90 farmers participated in the Rajangana programme with a total of 107 including resource persons. 96 farmers participated in the Mahavilachchiya programme with a total of 103 including resource persons and other participants. 58 farmers participated in Polonnaruwa programme with a total of 65 with resource persons and other participants. District/Regional offices of Irrigation Department, Department of Agriculture and University of Rajarata supported the programme organized by SLWP and the Irrigation Management Division of the Ministry of Irrigation through the respective Project Managers.
Date: 19th, 29th & 30th May 2014.
A CCA School programme was held at Ulpathwewa MV. Senior Advisor SLWP, Resource person from NWSDB & Medical Officer from MOH office were resource persons for the programme. The importance of water; , the water quality, climate change related issues and adapting to climate change through presentations by the resource persons. 154 students participated in the event with a total of 160 including teachers and resource persons.
Date: 28th April 2014.
CCA FO Leader Programme was held in Bathalegoda, Kurunegala at the Rice Research Training Institute. Total of 65 FO Leaders from Bathalagoda, Hakwatunaoya, Diyathure, Kospothuoya, Morathioya, moragoda Amuna, Kumbulwana Oya, Maddakatiya, Velikumbura, Vennaruoya participated in the programme.
Date: 08th April 2014.
A Drinking Water CBO programme was held in Kalpitiya for Puttalam District CBO in collaboration with the NWSDB and provincial Health Department. 80 CBO participants attended this workshop which was supported by 4 resource persons. Total participation including officials and /resource persons was 84.
Date: 15th March 2014.
CCA FO leader Programme for minor irrigation systems of Anuradhapura District was held on 11th March at the Agrarian Development Department Conference hall in Anuradhapura . It was organized by SLWP and the Deputy Commissioner Agrarian Development with assistance from the Dep; of Agriculture and Irrigation Department. 69 FO leaders from over 30 minor schemes attended this programme. There were 80 participants including DAS staff and resource persons.
Date: 11th March 2014.
A CCA programme washeld for 108 FO leaders at Divulnkadawala for FO representaives from Minneriya and Kaudulla projects Nachaduwa project. A total of 114 attended this programme including from IMD and SLWP. Programme was supported by the ID, Provincial Agric; Department and organized by IMD of the Min of IWRM.
Date: 11th March 2014.
CCA FO Leader Programmes were held in Polonnaruwa at the DistricT Secretariat Conference hall for 68 FO leaders from the Parakrama Smudra and Giritale schemes. Total participation was 78 including staff and resource persons.
Date: 10th March 2014.
A Drinking Water CBO programme was held in Anamaduwa for Puttalam District CBO in collaboration with the NWSDB and provincial Health Department . 123 CBO participants attended this workshop which was supported by 4 resource persons. Total participation including officials and resource persons was 127.
Date: 20th February 2014.
Another FO Leader programme was held on 11th February for 83 FO leaders at Nachaduwa project A total of 91 attended this programme.,Programme was supported by the ID, University of Rajarata, Provincial Agric Department and Organised by IMD of the Min Of IWRM.
Date: 11th February 2014.
CCA FO Leader Programmes were held in Huruluwewa at the Agrarian Dept Training Centre for 107 FO leaders and in Mahakanadarawa project for 62 leaders at the Rambewa Temple on 10th February. Total participation was 113 and 67 respectively.
Date: 10th February 2014.
A Farmer Leader Training Programme was held in Rajangana.65 FO Leaders with a total 90 Participants attended this Programme. Resource Presons were drawn from The Provincial agriculture Dept ( Deputy Director and Asst Director) Regional director Irrigation Department and Senior Lecturer in Agric Engineering University of Rajarata. The Programme was coordinated by IMD of M of I &WRM, Director IMD attended this Programme as well.
Date: 27th January 2014.
A three day programme for Water CBO were carried out in Badulla District covering Kandaketiya, Soranatota and Ridimaliadda Divisional Secretariats. The Programmes were Climate Change Adaptation Awareness for Community Based Organization Office Bearers and covered aspects such as. Climate Change, Water Quality and supply, Catchment management and social issues arising from climate change that may impact on CBO.
Date : 6th,7th & 8th January 2014.